Aug 31, 2009

Mommy world

Kids they are the most wonderful thing to happen to anyone. I know the stress that come with them but it's all worth at the end . They teach you life's most valuable lessons that you cannot learn in an university or under no life course teachings. Just as my lil S is heading to be a toddler the urge to have another kid just runs into my head every now and then.
There is always the usual talk bat when to have the next and whats the correct spacing ...I won't discuss that here bcos it works differently for different pol and their background. As for me I am ready to have another one a brother or sister for lil S to play/share/fight/enjoy.
Being the eldest of 3 I know what fun it was growing up with 2siblings and I can't trade anything for the wonderful memories I have growing up with my brother and sister.

Yesterday, after a long time ...i actually told my husband that I really would like to have more kids. That's right not another one..more.SOme times it's scary how I get attached lil S. Sometimes i feel my world just starts with him and ends with him. I am sure all moms feel the same way (attachment). But i wonder if all moms think its scary to be so attached to one Lil kid so much so that you feel your world will end without him or her. I am thinking just like my mom or all others i know who have more than 1 kid they probably share their attachment with their kids and it doesn't feel this intense? Maybe maybe not.
On the flip side I don't want to end up feeling attached to all three of them and feel devastated when its time to let them go .
What do you Moms think about you share the same feeling..i would definitely love to know.

Aug 27, 2009

Garbharakshambigai shloka

Aehyaehi Bhagavan Brahman, Praja-Karthaha Prajaapathae I

Pragrihneeshva Balim Sa-imam, saapathyam raksha Gharbineem II

Ashvinou Dheva Dhevaesow, Pragruhneedhan Balim Dhvimam I

Saapathyaam Garbineem sa-imam sa Rakshatham Poojayaanayaa II

Rudhrasha Aekaadhasha Broktha , Pragrahnanthu Balim Dhvimam I

Yakshamaagam Preethayae Vrutham, Nithyam Rakshandhu Garbineem II

Aadhithyaa Dhvaadhasha Brokthaha, Pragrimneethvam Balim thvimam I

Yashmaakam Thejasaam Vridhya, nithyam rakshatha garbineem II

Vinayaka Ganaadhyaksha, Shiva puthra Mahabala I

Pragrihneeshva Balim sa-imam, Saapathyam raksha garbineem II

Skandha Shanmuga devaesha puthra preethi vivardhana I

Pragrihneeshva Balim sa-imam, Saapathyam raksha garbineem II

Prabhaasaha prabhavashyamaha prathyoushow maaruthoenalaha I

Druvodhara dharashaiva, vasavoeshtow prakeerthithaha I

Pragruhneethvam balim sa-imam, nithyam Rakshatha Garbineem II

Pithurdevi pidhushraeshtae, bahu puthree mahaa bale I

Boodha sreshtae nisha vaasae, nirvrithae shounagapriyae I

Pragrihneeshva Balim sa-imam, Saapathyam raksha garbineem II

Raksha Raksha Mahadeva, Baktha-Anugraha karaga I

Pakshi Vaahana Govindha, Saapathyam raksha Garbineem

Aug 26, 2009

Pregnancy and Diet

Ok so i have been talking to my cousin who found out she is pregnant ..huraahhh..
It reminded me of my first days when i found out i was pregnant. Of course the first days i mean around 8 weeks. Yes i was so laid back or lets say dead sure that i wasn't going to get pregnant that i never even bothered to test:)
So i was on this really awesome diet that i gained exactly how much i had to gain for my weight ie 22 pounds. So here iam writing exactly what i ate so my cousins or fellow blogger can read if they are interested.
Break fast: 1 big glass of water as soon as i wake up,
1 cup oatmeal with i glass of milk(traditional oats
sometimes i had toast(wholewheat bread) eggs in any form

Mid morning snack 10-15 almonds/walnuts /pecans
1 apple
1 cheese stick(low fat)
1 cup pom juice

Lunch 2 cups rice
green veges
egg if i haven't eaten in my breakfast
1 cup yogurt

tea time 1 or 2 apple/ any fruit (nectarine, peaches, pear etc)
1 cheese stick
1 cup milk

dinner 2 wholewheat rotis
1 cup yogurt

1 hour before sleep: 1 cup milk
and lots and lots of strawberries

I was asked to follow a diet where i eat " Protein, fat and Carbs" in every meal breakfast lunch and dinner. I was asked to drink 4 glasses of milk for calcium, avoid
caffeine, chocolate, sugar through out pregnancy, mushrooms and lettuce in the first trimester. I also ate avocados for fat and ate lots of oats for fiber.

I walked 2 miles a day ever day irrespective of of how tired i was. I think if i was able to maintain a good weight it was more bcoz of staying active than anything else.

I tried not to give in to my cravings...but every now and then meaning once in a week i would hog on ice cream especially my last trimester was summer and i couldn't deal with the heat and really needed to keep myself cool.

I also drank 2 liters of water in a day.... of course i almost built a tent outside my bathroom...yeah iam serious i was thinking of just sleeping outside the bathroom as i couldn't deal the constant visit to pee.

That's all i can think of ..for now. I will update this post as i remember . Till then be happy and enjoy your pregnancy. Remember you are pregnant not handicapped , lead a normal life do everything that makes you was indeed the most wonderful part of my life.

This picture is taken from

Aug 18, 2009

Would you?

Would you deal with people who are unbelievably diplomatic?
Would you deal with people who believe they can follow a rule and force others to something else?
Would you tolerate someone talking shit about your family in your house?
Would you put a shut to nonsense mumblings day in and day out?
would you still be in touch with hypocrites?
Would you think it is necessary to have a relationship with such unnecessary chaos?